
Local photography, National rants, Zero navel-gazing allowed… Blogging from Hopkinsville, KY

August Heat?


Hot or cold? If you had a choice to freeze your butt off in the dead of winter or melt away under a scorching sun what would be your choice? In Kentucky, you can do both in the span of twelve months. (Kentucky winters have been extremely mild for the past several years until this year.  During the ice storm a lot of people could have become popsicles.) I maintain consistently that being cold is better than hot. During cold weather I can add a blanket or dig out my thermal underoos but you can’t escape hot, sticky air except to crank the AC.  Right now, I’m fighting with the high humidity during the wee hours of the morning. I turned the ceiling fan on high but it hasn’t done anything to bring relief.

Usually the unbearable sticky, humid air doesn’t come till August where it hangs for a few weeks until the cooler breezes of autumn come to the rescue. It’s gonna suck if this is the way it’s gonna be till September.

The image to the left was taken at 2:11 AM. It shows the outdoor temperature to be 77 degrees F/84% humidity. Indoor temperature was 84 degrees F/57% humidity.

I’ll try this sleep thing again. I hope I can still get a of couple hours sleep before morning comes.






One response to “August Heat?”

  1. […] market at Bradford Square Mall was lined with vendors. Humidity has come down dramatically since I complained about it on June 28. The low tonight and tomorrow is forecast to be in the […]