
Local photography, National rants, Zero navel-gazing allowed… Blogging from Hopkinsville, KY

WP 2.7 Changes

WordPress v2.7 was released several weeks ago and I waited for compatibility news about Barthelme, my blog theme. That was until I read this post by the theme author.  The author is giving up maintainership and he wants to pass it on to someone else. So… we’ll find out what happens with that in the future.

In addition, I am able to eliminate one plug-in from my wordpress install. WordPress 2.7 now allows you to expire comments on old posts. Which makes comment timeout less necessary, even though the plug-in has more functionality than what is built-in to WordPress.





2 responses to “WP 2.7 Changes”

  1. Hi Eric. Do not fear, Scott has passed Plaintxt and Barthelme into capable hands. All themes and plugins are undergoing upgrade for 2.7 and beyond :)

  2. Thanks for the news.