
Local photography, National rants, Zero navel-gazing allowed… Blogging from Hopkinsville, KY

Month: January 2011

  • NAACP Still Struggles for…

    …a continuing purpose? On the eve of Martin Luther King Jr. Day John Banks strains to justify the NAACP’s existence. N-A-A-C-P President, John Banks explains why the holiday is important.  He says,“It’s so important that we keep the spirit alive because even as we speak we are not one nation with liberty and justice for…

  • Sound Check!!

    Today is the day that I record using my new digital recorder. Samples of both recordings are below. I thought I’d share the old way of recording the worship service and the new and improved way. Using the Archos 5 is simple but the device is limited. Sound quality is excellent if the person is…

  • Zoom H1 unboxing

    The Zoom H1 arrived today. Pictures follow. My first impressions based on examining the contents of the box are that ZOOM/Samson is playing a dirty trick on their customers. The box contains three items: the H1 recorder, one AA battery, and a 2 GB SD card. However, the package does not include a USB cable…

  • New Gadget Coming

    It’s been a year since I started recording sermons for Christian Heights. The Archos 5 has performed this function well over the past year. However, since Rev. Marion started distributing recordings of the full worship service on CD. I have been more concerned about the limits of the Archos 5 microphone. The Archos makes good…